Read the full article here: – F-M Drag United: Other Drag Shows
June 23 – The Unlikely Candidates – The Aquarium, Fargo, ND
Read the full article here: – Artopia Comes To Phoenix
Fresh off of its premiere engagement in Chicago, Artopia arrives in downtown Phoenix with its signature display of outsized street art blanketing the facade of a recently vacated warehouse. A hint of what is in store comes in the form of a totally realistic 20-foot high spray paint can — a colossal nod to the tool of choice of street artists and muralists. Chicago-based Afrokilla wraps the building’s exterior wall with a Salt River Valley-inspired “Artopia” banner, while the interior of this same wall is adorned with a mural by local legend, San Carlos Apache-Akimel O’odham painter Douglas Miles.
Listen to the full podcast here: – TikTok dating celebrity stops by Black Hills
A Rapid City-born man who now lives in Montana came back 25 years later for a date, one of 50 he will be on this year.
Matt Wurnig will showcase his date with a Keystone local in July, about a month after they went on their date, for the second season of “50 Dates 50 States.” The show is an internet series hosted on YouTube, but gained its following on social media.
Read the full article here: – Genie’s Secret Bazaar: Magical adventure in Philadelphia
For “Two People, Fifty Bucks” Aaron points to Juanita’s taco shop in Leucadia, where he takes his family after a surf; Troy raves about Starfish Filipino Eatery in O.B. (get the sisig); and David gives a shout out to the pop-up submarine tiki bar experience, Acey Deucey Club.
Watch the full video here: – INTERVIEW: The Unlikely Candidates’ Kyle Morris on growing up in Texas, recording an album, and more
We’re super-happy to have some time today with Texas-based band The Unlikely Candidates; greetings and salutations, gang! Before we dive into the deep-end, could you all introduce yourselves to our ever-loving reading audience?