– 6 interview red flags that are concerning enough to reconsider an offer

Interviewing for a job is a two-way street — and it can be paved with subtle red flags.

“The interview process is a direct line of sight into the culture of a company. The attention to detail, candidate experience, timeliness with responses, and generosity of shared information throughout the process is indicative of what will happen when you choose to join that organization,” says career expert Joe Mullings, Chairman & CEO of The Mullings Group, a talent acquisition and branding company in medtech.

Full article here: – Immersive Van Gogh exhibit in Scottsdale set to wow visitors

SCOTTSDALE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) — It’s an exhibit art enthusiasts and amateurs are both going to love, and it will be right here in the Valley. Immersive Van Gogh first emerged in Paris but is now on an American road tour, and downtown Scottsdale is the next stop.

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