– Using a Terminal Diagnosis to Leave a Legacy of Impact

My guest this week is Eric Erdman, the founder of the Give a Child a Voice Foundation. When Eric learned he had advanced brain cancer in July of 2016 at the age of 16, he had no idea all the ways his life would change. He faced medical procedures including both brain surgery and eye surgery, and lost hearing as well as sight in one of his eyes. Yet the fear and grueling procedures are not what Eric remembers most about the months after he was diagnosed with Anaplastic Grade III Ependymoma. He remembers the voluntary kindness friends, families, neighbors, and even strangers who helped him find his voice, to share his story and speak out.

The coming together of so many different people, all with the same goal of showing support, transformed his perspective on life and inspired him to pay it forward. Today, after four brain surgeries, three rounds of radiation, a round of chemo, and complications, Eric is more excited than ever to continue to help other struggling kids find their voice through his foundation, Give a Child a Voice

Full podcast here: – Industry Voices—4 ways medical technology can help prevent the next pandemic, and even help fight this one

The COVID-19 coronavirus infectious agent now exponentially spreading worldwide seems like a plague from a distant past.

In reality, pandemics have occurred regularly over the last 20 years (the SARS pandemic in 2002-03, the H5N1 bird flu epidemic in 2006-07, the H1N1 swine flu epidemic in 2009, the MERS virus in 2012-15), and, according to leading health experts, we can expect more in the near future.

The irony is that today’s technology might be facilitating the spreading of localized epidemics into worldwide pandemics. Ubiquitous, same-day transportation that carried carriers of the disease from one continent to another in a matter of hours made the rapid spread of COVID-19 inevitable. The first line of defense—containment—really never had a chance.

But what about the upside of modern-day technology in fighting COVID-19, notably modern-day health-related hardware and software? Where has medical technology been in fighting this plague?

As it turns out, the tools for fighting pandemics are right under our noses. The medical technology to help prevent the spread of future infectious agents, and even to fight the one in our midst, exists now. Each of the four technologies discussed below has all the essential capabilities to meet the enemy head-on and, if not vanquish it, seriously curtail its harm.

Full article here: – Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston’s hairstylist shares his top tips for keeping your color salon-fresh while at home

Feeling like every day is a bad hair day?

Many of us are struggling to keep our hair looking and feeling salon-fresh while at home. Dark roots, gray streaks, lack of shine and outgrown cuts are quickly becoming our new normal, and it may be weeks — possibly months — before we can head to the salon to get a much-needed touch-up.

You can tackle some hair problems at home, however. Celebrity hairstylist Justin Anderson shared a few must-have products from his dpHUE collection to maintain our manes between appointments.

Full article here: – Corona Chronicles: Justin Anderson Co-star of E!’s “Very Cavallari”

What a weird time we are all in, right?! I think we are all in the same boat with this epidemic that has completely taken over. It’s not easy, but one thing is for sure you have to try and stay positive and safe! Everyone I have talked to has been personally affected by this virus, whether that be a family member or friend who was diagnosed or just the day to day that this virus has caused us all.

Full article here: – The Hidden Upside of the COVID-19 Crisis for Brands and Marketers: 10 Opportunities

Allow me to start with a joke. You’ve probably heard it before, but it is apropos of the times. Maybe you feel this is not the moment to joke around. I would argue, we need levity now more than ever. Anyway, here goes …

These two older brothers are so sick of their younger brother. He’s also so darn positive. So they hatch a plot to do something to finally upset the little kid — they fill his room with manure.

Kid comes home. Two older brothers smile their devious smile, can’t wait to see the look on their little brother’s face. He opens the door to his room. Huge smile. Jumps right in and starts digging through the manure.

The older brothers are shocked. They ask him what the heck he is doing.

The kid responds, “Wow! With all this manure, there has got to be a pony in here somewhere! I’m trying to find it.”

In jest there is truth, and that joke aptly sets the tone for this article.

For some reading right now, the world is on pause. For others, they are busier than ever. Either way, this crisis presents an opportunity to change the arc of your career and life.

Full article here: – Is This The Time For A Long-Awaited Career Change?

Last week’s economic numbers were stunning and historic— 6.6 million filing for unemploymentdoubling the amount the week before. Yet, the shelter-at-home orders affecting most American workers also offer an unprecedented opportunity for employees to pursue a new career trajectory, says Joe Mullings, a career expert with 30+ years of experience in providing hiring strategies for Fortune 100 companies like Google, Johnson & Johnson and Siemens.

Full article here: