spectrumnews1.com – “Annabelle” Actress and Her Family Host Colombian Foster Child

Growing up, she wasn’t much into dolls, so it’s a bit ironic that right now Annabelle is a big part of Natalia Safran’s family.

“You can see what dolls can do when not watching them properly so I was right to like bears better,” Safran said with a smile.

She spends most of her time lately with her daughter Lou Lou, and little 11-year-old Lily, the foster child from Columbia her family is hosting this summer.

“Every child deserves a lovely family and a childhood isn’t complete without a proper home,” Safran said.

So she, along with her husband and their daughter, is a family of four for five weeks this summer. Or should we say, they are a family of five so long as Annabelle’s in the house.


Full article and video here: https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/news/2019/07/31/-annabelle–actress-and-her-family-host-colombian-foster-child#

music.allaccess.com – Rockwell Table & Stage Presents The Unauthorized Musical Parody of…“A League of Their Own”

This past weekend (July 26 – 28) was the grand opening of UMPO (Unauthorized Musical Parody Of) A League Of Their Own. (Buy tickets here) For about two hours, the cast sings and acts their way through the 1992 beloved movie. Of course, in true UMPO fashion, the story is spun a little differently and is told through these particular creators’ eyes.

This show runs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night at 8pm and Sundays at noon, until September 1st. And again, every Friday and Saturday night at 8pm and Sundays at noon, September 6th to September 29th.


Full article here: https://music.allaccess.com/rockwell-table-stage-presents-the-unauthorized-musical-parody-ofa-league-of-their-own/

thegarnettereport.com – Interview with Wonder Woman Actor, Spencer Trinwith

We got to sit down with Spencer Trinwith who will be in the new Wonder Woman movie coming out in 2020. Spencer shared with us his insights on acting, life, and some fun projects he’s working on.

Let’s start at the very beginning of your journey. Where are you from? Where were you born, raised, and in what kind of background?

“I grew up in northern California, which I guess is now the tech capital of the world. A little ironic that I’m from there because I’m not very tech oriented. I’m more of a creative person. I grew up part time on the East Coast as well, got a taste of both coasts but I definitely am more of a West Coast person. I started really young with acting because both my parents were actors and I was just always around it. But I didn’t really start acting until high school and when I did it was love at first sight. Everything became about acting after that moment.”


Full interview here: https://thegarnettereport.com/entertainment/24560/

broadwayworld.com – BWW Review: Gina D’Acciaro Blows the Roof off Rockwell Table and Stage

Actress/singer Gina D’Acciaro has a crazy actor’s life which may sound like that of many other performers…New York auditions, moving to LA with no money, waitressing, being a nanny and struggling through a myriad of other jobs to stay on her feet. However, … it’s the way in which D’Acciaro tells her stories that makes this show Famous Adjacent – in its encore presentation at Rockwell Table and Stage – such a big winner. She utilized an exceedingly fast paced delivery, speaking all the words of the anecdote do hurriedly that it sounded like one big hilarious runon sentence. The audience lovingly bought into it, laughing uproariously at every pause.


Full article here: https://www.broadwayworld.com/los-angeles/article/BWW-Review-Gina-DAcciaro-Blows-the-Roof-off-Rockwell-Table-and-Stage-20190719