Sophie Gray Featured On

| Dec 2, 2015

While Sophie Gray has certainly made her mark in the fitness & nutrition world over the last year, in her recent interview with she admits that being a poster child for the fitness industry has not always been easy. She argues that while her “abs have definition and [she has] 355K followers on social media,” none of those things have stopped her from crying herself to sleep in the past. Check out her full manifesto on how to be healthy and happy despite the occasional bad days here:

Read more: Here

Sophie Gray Featured on VivaGlam!

| Nov 12, 2015

4 Ways to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Ho, ho, ho! Twinkly lights are coming out of attic storage and our inboxes are getting flooded with invitations, signaling the kickoff of holiday season. Festive parties, sweet treats, family and friends, all mixed in with the pressure of packed calendars and endless to-do lists. It seems we can’t have our fun without a serving of stress!

If you’re dreading the effects of extra calories and skipped workouts, consider this: the stress over potential weight gain is more harmful to your health than those cookies and your missed gym appearances.

Luckily, there are simple ways to add a dose of healthy into your holidays without rearranging an already hectic schedule.


Lisa Haisha Featured on KRLA

| Nov 10, 2015

This is the Randy Economy Show for Saturday, October 7, 2015 on AM 870 The Answer KRLA in Los Angeles. Guests included Duf Sundheim, Candidate for US Senate in California in 2016, and Humanitarian Lisa Haisha.

Listen to the interview: Here

Jorge Cruise Debuts No.1 On’s Hot New Releases in Vegan Diets

| Nov 6, 2015

Celebrity fitness trainer and New York Times Bestselling author Jorge Cruise has sold over 6 million books to date. His newest book, Tiny and Full, which is set to be released December 28th has already taken’s sales charts by storm and is on its way to debut on No.1 upon its official release. In Tiny and Full, Cruise reexamines the popular vegan diet and lays out how just one vegan meal, i.e. breakfast, can provide the health benefits of a vegan diet without sacrificing other crucial nutrients.

His diet tips and tricks have also been tremendously popular in Hollywood’s celebrity circles. Celebrities who have followed Jorge’s diet plans in the past include Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Lucy Liu, Eva Longoria, Chrissy Teigen, and Steve Harvey and he has long-term support from Oprah Winfrey, who had Jorge appear on her show multiple times as well in O, The Magazine and her O’s Guide to Life.

Congrats Jorge and to many more great healthy books!

Pre-order your own copy of Tiny and Full: Here