GOODING Featured in The Kansan

| Sep 2, 2015

Delivering a message: Rock band talks financial literacy in schools

Getting a teenager to listen to financial advice or think financial planning is a challenge. A big challenge, but one that musician Gooding has decided to take on.

Gooding believes that the right delivery model is key. As a leader of the band “Gooding,” the model is rock and roll.

“When I was coming up I didn’t want to listen to parents and teachers, but rock and roll was the thing. I have the microphone, and I better do something with it,” he said.

Gooding, which is currently on tour throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, will bring their act Harvey County. They will perform at 2 p.m. Sept. 8 at Newton High School, 9 a.m. Sept. 9 at Halstead at 2 p.m. Burrton High School.

The concert will include a short video to introduce the band, a performance of their original music and then a talk by lead singer Gooding abut financial literacy and issues.

Read more: Here

Taniel Chemsian Featured on Banderas News

| Sep 1, 2015

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Just what is it about Puerto Vallarta that captivates so many visitors that they feel compelled to buy property and live here? Perhaps it is Vallarta’s incredible natural beauty, small town atmosphere, affordable cost of living, and the inherent friendliness of the local people that make it such a popular retirement destination.

Add to that an estimated expat population of over 40,000, accessibility from major hubs in the US and Canada, affordable homes, first class medical care facilities, and a vibrant culinary and cultural scene, and you’ll understand why Puerto Vallarta is so popular among those looking to live or retire South of the Border.

As Puerto Vallarta’s popularity continues to grow, so has its real estate market. And one Puerto Vallarta real estate agent is using the latest tools and technology available today to reach potential homebuyers around the globe.

Full story: Here

GOODING featured in PARADE magazine!

| Aug 28, 2015

Rock ‘n’ roll bands and good fiscal management often go together like peas and carrots. But Gooding, a California-based band with deep Midwestern roots, wants to use music to help the youth of America to make better financial choices.

“We’re rock and rollers first, but we’re rock ‘n’ rollers with a message,” says the band’s leader, Gooding. “After traveling around the United States for a decade… we played in every state. We started seeing same-day lenders crop up, seeing people struggling. A lot of the issues — people losing hope and people feeling like they weren’t going to get ahead… came back to financial literacy. I left high school knowing more about geometry than I did balancing a check book.”

Read more: Here

Taniel Chemsian becomes featured HUFF POST blogger!

| Aug 28, 2015

We are very proud of Lobeline client Taniel Chemsian as he becomes a featured blogger on Huff Post!

Here’a a peek at his first entry:

Puerto Vallarta Continues to Shine!

by Taniel Chemsian

As America’s baby boomers continue to age and look forward to longer and longer life spans, they are setting their sights on retirement and making their U.S. dollars last as long as possible.

And at upwards of 16 Mexico pesos to the dollar, this becomes ever more feasible. Hence the dramatic up-tick in migration south of the border adding to an ever-growing ex-pat community.

A small fisherman’s village no more, Puerto Vallarta’s modern explosive growth dates back around 50 years, during the massive media hysteria and paparazzi that surrounded the scandalous extramarital affair between world famous actress Elizabeth Taylor and then married Richard Burton during the filming of John Houston’s 1964 movie ‘The Night Of The Iguana’. From that moment on, the Pacific Coast’s cobblestone clad Mexican beach town was forever in the global spotlight and on the map for tourists from the United States and Canada.

Read more: Here