| Jul 1, 2014
You have to see it to believe it. The Gala of the Royal Horses show, now touring in the U.S. for the first time, features stallions trained to gracefully trot and jump to music. Flamenco dancers will join them to complete the show—check out tour dates here.
Wondering how these horses learn to dance? Riding master and tour creator Rene Gasser, who comes from a family that’s worked with horses for seven generations, answered our questions about how these graceful animals are trained and cared for.
What is the training process like? What are the steps of training a horse a new movement?
Very much like a child going to school, we teach the horses the ABC’s; then when they have learned the basics, we move them onto [more difficult] movements. The horses are trained systematically. We start with very easy movements first, and as soon to they react what we ask them, we immediately reward them with a carrot or other treat. We make a big deal out if small movements as soon as the horses do it, so they know that they will be rewarded. Ask for a lot, be content with a little, and reward often.
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